Finished your Open Water Course and discover that the little diving bug in side you have grown and you now looking for you next underwater adventure. Then the PADI Advanced Open water course (AOW) is the next step. The Advanced course focuses on the practical elements of Diving from Fish Identification to Navigation, the advanced […]
Month: August 2018
August 2018 Monthly Madness Prize – Hollis Midi Torch, Kevlar Palm Gloves, DHQ Catchbag and Cray Measure
Whether it’s poking your nose under a rock to check for that next monster cray or going for an always epic night dive to check out the nocturnal sea life, every diver should carry at least one torch. A back up is also always a good idea, as well as a necessity when night diving. […]
How to choose a mask?

There is nothing worse than an ill fitting mask. It will either leak or be uncomfortable. So here are a few tips to help you choose a mask. Scuba or Free Diving? With scuba we have plenty of air to equalise our masks with and clear any leaks, but for a free diver you are […]
July’s Monthly Madness Winner!

Congratulations to Sebastien Marquet for being the July winner of the Geo 2 dive watch. Sebastien’s response to winning; “I’m really happy to win the dive computer. I can’t wait to try it hopefully this weekend and I will be able to use it for my next rescue Padi level. Thanks to Dive HQ for their […]