As promised here are the final 5 of our most commonly asked questions. 6. What marine life can we expect to see while diving and how should we interact with it in a responsible manner? Every dive site will have a variety of marine species that are common to that location and that we can […]
General News
What are the top 10 Questions people have about scuba diving? (Part1)

Our team at Dive HQ New Zealand have compiled a list of our most frequently asked questions about scuba diving. Hopefully you will find at least one that is relevant for you and if you need more information just ask your local Dive HQ store. 1. How to get started with scuba diving and what […]
Diving in the dark

Are you getting sick & tired of diving the same local dive site every time? Have you thought about diving it after dark? With Daylight Savings over night dive season has begun. While the thought of diving in the dark may terrify some of you, initiated night divers can’t wait to get out for their next […]

Yes in my back yard! We should all want a marine reserve in our local area. If you have been diving the same sites long enough, you would have noticed changes and unfortunately, they are not often for the better. Marine reserves offer the highest level of marine protection and are established under the Marine […]